Thursday, August 19, 2010


Well, it's Thursday.  We had a great day.  Went to see Dusty and Haven, had some lunch, and chatted.  The kids played well together- they always have!  I made spritz cookies tonight for the first time and they came out pretty good!  I will bring them to football tomorrow- we have our first game of the kick-off classic.  I am making a t-shirt.  It was really hard to find a 'Medina Green' shrit, but I did it!  Added Williams to the back, found and printed, traced and cut out a stallion for the front.  I'm a little dissapointed that I didn't know for sure that the stallion was supposed to be gold, so it is white.  Oh well, whatta-ya-gonna-do??  I got iron-on vinyl and will use my cricut for the lettering.  May see if I can figure out how to post pictures once I complete it!  10pm -gonna play on puter a bit, go make Jim's lunch and go to bed.  Maybe tomorrow I will figure out what this blog should really be about!  wish me luck :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

My new blog

Well, it's official.  I have a blog.  I am not sure why, and I have no clue what I am going to use this space for, but like real estate, I wanted my piece of the American Dream.  So, here I am.  I have a name, an address, and a really cute background.  If only I could figure out what to write about!